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Warpy is a transparent, cost-effective, onchain Points System designed to boost web3 Discord engagement. Last autumn, Warpy launched its pilot on the RedStone Oracles server, powering the RedStone Gems (RSG) system! User tasks, point calculations, and the RSG Points System verifiability are all securely stored on Arweave using the Warp SDK. To date, Warpy has attracted over 34100 RedStone Oracles community members without any infrastructure issues, making it not only the first fully onchain points system, but also the first to scale.

next step

We’re now preparing to open-source the codebase and share our know-how, enabling any project to run their campaigns entirely onchain.

why warpy?

In the past 6-12 months, Point Systems have gained significant traction, emerging as a fresh approach to incentivize crypto communities. Active contributors can potentially exchange points for community rewards.

Point Systems offer a range of possibilities: from distributing real-life rewards to top community contributors, granting exclusive access to certain community features or channels, to even sharing a tokenized stake within the community. Yet, for a Point System to ensure accurate points distribution and seamless integration with other web3 tools, it must be entirely transparent. A blockchain foundation is vital to uphold these attributes. Currently, there’s no Points System fully built and operated on-chain using smart contracts. This gap exists largely due to the economic hurdles, particularly the steep maintenance costs, associated with global state-sharing networks like the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) that dominate today’s blockchain landscape.

Building on Warp Contracts, a smart contract SDK on the Arweave blockchain, and integrating with Discord’s development tools, Warpy makes it feasible to uphold a fully transparent and cost-effective on-chain Points System that seamlessly merges with the leading community platform.

Straight to the point, why?

For server moderators/owners: 

  • Increasing community server engagement through incentives
  • Allowing web3 businesses to run transparent campaigns to attract users
  • Offering plug-and-play customization for specific server needs, all in a trustless environment, provably respecting user rights through smart contract use

For end-user:

  • Turning their contributions into measurable rewards within each community
  • Vying with friends for the top spot in community rankings
  • Understanding and independently verifying the community Point System rules

Warpy’s design

Here’s the repo [] for our app and the Warpy Discord Bot, piloted on the RedStone Oracles Discord Community []

  1. Warpy’s built on set of the two contracts:
  1. The main bot contract 

Records events like messages or user commands (e.g. `addrsg` command) using the Warp SDK. These are sent to the Warp Sequencer, which organizes them for the, an Arweave scaling solution. Irys packages these interactions and settles it on the Arweave blockchain, ensuring immutable records accessible anytime. Information is stored in the contract state, and with Arweave’s record of all interactions, one can always determine the contract state using Warp. To retrieve specific data, like a user’s RSG balance, we query Warp DRE nodes. 

This tool offloads execution to validators, offering near-instant response time without compromising decentralization.

  1. Servers’ registration contract

When Warpy joins a server, we deploy a new bot contract as described in point 1. This contract maintains a map linking Discord server IDs (where Warpy operates) to their respective bot contract IDs. The interaction flow is the same as in point 1).

  1. Warpy bot breaks down into component interactions and events:

Component Interactions:

  • `linkwallet`: Registers a user’s EVM wallet in the contract name service.
  • `contract`: Provides a link to the server’s contract in SonAr.
  • `addrsg`: Lets server admins grant RSG to a user.
  • `removersg`: Lets server admins deduct RSG from a user.
  • `addrsgtorole`: Grants RSG to all users of a specific role.
  • `addroleseason`: Sets a role season, boosting points for certain roles for a set duration.
  • `counter`: Displays a user’s current RSG balance and their activity stats.
  • `ranking`: Lists the top 10 users by score.


  • `guildCreate`: On Warpy joining a server, it deploys a new bot contract, ensuring each server operates on a unique contract.
  • `messageCreate`: User messages earn them 10 points.
  • `messageDelete`: Deleting a message reduces the user’s points by 10.
  • `messageReactionAdd`: Reacting to a message gives 1 point.
  • `messageReactionRemove`: Removing a reaction deducts 1 point
  1. Alongside the Discord bot, there’s a Warpy Admin Panel tailored for server admins. After connecting their EVM wallet, they can directly interact with their server’s contract. 

Default features include:

  • Managing admins: Add or remove.
  • Boost adjustments: Set, modify, or delete boosts.
  • User-specific boosts: Assign or remove boosts for individual users.
  • Seasons: Launch a new season with defined start and end timestamps. During a season, a set boost is applied to all points earned by users.
  1. The Warpy Dashboard [] provides users with a view of all-time and seasonal rankings. Users can connect their wallets to view their recent points history and see any active boosts they possess.

If you’re tired of the inconsistencies and lack of transparency in Points Systems like we are, reach out to us. We’re eager to help you tailor Warpy to meet your community’s specific needs directly on Arweave!

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