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Warp Speed resumed!

We're accelerating ao path to mass adoption

Our flagship project, Warp SDK, has attracted multiple top-tier teams building on the frontier of Arweave. We are ready for more action!

Smartcontracts (interactions)
0 mln
DALL·E 2024-04-29 13.37.04 - Create a pixel art image, size 413x424 pixels, depicting a cosmic scene with an overwhelming number of rays of light, suggesting the scale of 14 milli
DALL·E 2024-04-29 13.38.43 - Create a pixel art image, size 520x590 pixels, designed to complement the previous cosmic scene. This image should depict a dense network of tiny comp

Warp enables us to build scaling solutions for Arweave. Bundlr does not need to worry about transaction costs getting out of hand while Warp’s “lazy” approach guarantees that the contracts can execute more complex code without blocking the whole blockchain network.

Josh Benaron

Founder of Bundlr Network

Warp took smart contracts on Arweave to the next level and has become a fundamental piece of our tech stack here at Pianity. Its Sequencer allows us to scale our contract interactions, whereas WASM support ensures security and stability.
Warp has consistently been making our use of smart contracts a lot more stable, faster and safer.

Eyal Chojnowski

Web3 lead at Pianity

Implementation of Warp was pivotal for us at Akord. All their tools and enhancements to the Arweave smart contract system allowed us to increase efficiency and quickly get to market. Warp Contracts is now the cornerstone technology in the Akord Vault Protocol stack.

Richard Caetano

Co-Founder of Akord

Warp is the true rocket system for SmartWeave. The Sequencer solves problems that SWC can produce with many invalid trades and Front-Running issues. Our core product, a cross-chain PST called everPay, uses the scalable Warp infrastructure, which provides the core foundation for PST liquidity.


Founder & CEO of everFinance
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